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The BUILD2LC project


The BUILD2LC project (Boosting low carbon innovative building rehabilitation in European regions)  has been succesfully launched with the kick-off meeting, 18-19 May 2016, at Seville, Spain.


The main objective of BUILD2LC, led by the Andalusian Energy Agency, is to increase the energy rehabilitation of buildings to reduce energy consumption and enhance policies to favor the creation of a market of specialised companies in this sector. 


The project is structured in two phases, the first focusing on the exchange of experiences and on the creation, by each partner region, of an Action Plan; and a second phase consisting on the implementation and monitoring of these Action Plans.


We thank our partners for their fruitful efforts and the commitment to push for an European low-carbon economy through the energy rehabilitation of buildings!


  • SPAIN: Andalusian Energy Agency (AEA) and Andalusian Institute of Technology (IAT) - Advisory Partner.
  • LITHUANIA: The Public Investment and Development Agency of Lithuania (VIPA).
  • POLAND: Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (RRDA).
  • UNITED KINGDOM: Severyn Wye Energy Agency Ltd (SWEA).
  • CROATIA: North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency (RGEA).
  • SWEDEN: Region Jämtland Härjedalen (RJH).
  • SLOVENIA: Local Energy Agency of Gorenjska (LEAG)


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